The Tiny House Movement – Why We Chose a Skoolie Instead
Last summer we spent a lot of time visiting our friends in Missouri who live in a small tiny house community on 35 acres of land in the Ozarks. Seeing what life was like and being able to have a taste of that experience was truly quite inspiring. They even offered us a space on their land, which is absolutely breath taking! This is what began to open our eyes to the possibility of living in a tiny home.
How Our Conversion Came to Be
We proceeded to research the cost of building a tiny house, how to get started with the building process, and basically everything remotely related to this minimalistic way of life. In this process was the moment that we accidentally stumbled upon the greatest idea we’ve had to date, a skoolie.
So what’s better about a skoolie? Well for one thing, it can drive itself. There’s no additional vehicle needed to haul it if we want to move it. Another obvious reason is for easy travel. My husband and I are both serious wanderlusters (That’s what the kids are calling it these days right?) so the idea of being able to take our home easily along with us where ever we choose really helped sell us on the idea.
When the conversion process is finished, we will be able to register our skoolie as an RV, get RV insurance on it, and begin our journey of a happy, joyous and free life of traveling. And when we’re not traveling, we look forward to spending a lot of time with our friends in Missouri.